Weird stuff we’ve found down pipes during cctv surveys #1

Spatula found blocking sewer line in Greenlane, Auckland

The offending spatula

Cracks and displaced pipes allow roots in search of water and ‘fertiliser’ to enter the sewer system, found in Mission Bay, Auckland

Root ball

Toilet fragrance holder and broken cup stuck 20m down a Parnell, Auckland bar’s sewer system. Steve hooked it out with some ingenuity.

Fragrance Holder

Fragrance holder, and broken cup hooked out with a plumbing fitting attached to 4 lengths of pipe. Surgery.

Plumber-made hooking device

Sometimes a plumbing fitting gets stuck inside a pipe. This is an inspection cap that has fallen and blocked the stormwater line.

Fallen inspection cap and root inpingement

Nerf bullets float, and find their way into the storm water and cess pits, in Kohimarama Auckland

Nerf bullet cache


What to do if you think you have a gas leak, and how do we determine where the leak is


Main causes of internal house leaks in order of frequency